Merry Christmas, dear friends! At last, on the third day of Christmas, decided to do a publication. I`d like to share with you about the sincre greetings that I have received from two kind yang girls. I received very kind wishes too about the Christmas days. I`d like to thank the friends that have worked specially for me to warm my heart and kind wishes too. Thank you!
Това сладко и мило тагче получих от Valchen. Заедно с още няколко прекрасни и полезни подаръчета.
This little sweety tag I received from Valchen. There were some wonderful and usefully gifts.
А тази топла и жизнерадостна картичка получих от Irena с още по-топли пожелания написани в нея. И двете картички в момента са на библиотечката над бюрото ми, за да мога да си ги гледам и да ме вдъхновяват за нови творби. Отново благодаря, момичета.This little sweety tag I received from Valchen. There were some wonderful and usefully gifts.
And this warm and bright card, I received from Irena. She added more warmth wishes written in it. The two cards are disposed on my bibliotheque over my desk. They ispired me to do new cards. Once more thank you, my dear friends!